Daksha Conclave 2021 – Connecting concept and practice

Welcome to Daksha Conclave 2021, where we bring together the best and the brightest minds on data protection, mediation and online dispute resolution strategies, telecommunications law, energy regulations, insolvency and bankruptcy code and many other areas critical to legal and regulatory practice. 

What is Daksha Conclave 2021?

Daksha Conclave 2021 is being organized from Feb 12, 2021 through Feb 14, 2021 with the express purpose of bridging the gap between the world of work and the world of learning.

Each day of the conclave will have three different thematic sessions of 2 hours each. Each session will be chaired by an expert practitioner or academic who is closely associated with Daksha Fellowship. The rest of the panel for each session will consist of 4-5 experts from the legal and policy worlds. 


What is so unique about Daksha Conclave 2021?

Practical exposure and conversations with pioneers in the worlds of law, policy and business are integral to the learning outcomes of a Daksha fellow. The fellowship maintains an unwavering focus on clinical aspects of legal and regulatory practice. The 8-week internship program, scheduled to happen in April and May, 2021, has also been designed as a core feature of the fellowship so as to accentuate application-oriented learning. 

Daksha Conclave is no different in the rationale behind its conceptualization. In furtherance of Daksha Fellowship’s mission to bridge the gap between the world of work and the world of learning, this conclave is planned for three days when fellows shall not only get to listen to experts from all the three pathways that they currently specialize in at the fellowship, namely, Technology Law and Policy; Law and Regulation; and Disputes Resolution but also present their thinking behind some of these issues to expert panelists. 


Is the conclave open to the public? Where can I register?

Yes, it is open to all who want to attend.

The format for every panel will be a discussion for about 75-85 minutes, chaired by an expert in the field who is also closely involved with the fellowship, followed by a group presentation by our fellows for about 15-20 minutes on a topic of relevance for the panel theme, and a final interactive session between panelists and fellows for another 15-20 minutes. Thus, the total duration for each panel will be about 2 hours. 

Stay tuned for registration!

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