Ankita Kushwaha
Lecturer, School of Arts and Sciences
Ankita has two years of teaching experience. She has worked as teaching assistant at Centre for Philosophy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi before joining Sai University. She is also a doctoral candidate at JNU.
Her publication includes:
Kushwaha, Ankita. “Neutrality and Pluralism: The Role of Religion in the Public Sphere.” Journal of Darśana, vol. 13-16, VCW, Varanasi, 2022, pp. 49-62.
Kushwaha, Ankita. “Review of Rethinking Pluralism, Secularism and Tolerance: Anxieties of Coexistence by Neera Chandhoke.” Perspectives: UCD Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy, vol. 9, 2021, pp. 361-365, https://www.ucd.ie/philosophy/t4media/PerspectivesVolume_9_(Winter_2021).pdf.
Kushwaha, Ankita, and Kapoor, Megha, Traditional vs Colonial: Navigating Dichotomies of Philosophy in India, Indian Philosophical Network Blog, 28 Dec 2023. Traditional vs Colonial: Navigating Dichotomies of Philosophy in India | IPN (indianphilosophynetwork.org)