Graziella Parati
Visiting Professor of Literature and Women’s/Gender Studies

Graziella Parati is a national leader in the development of the interdisciplinary humanities. As Director of Dartmouth’s Leslie Center for the Humanities, she has brought together scholars from around the world and from diverse disciplines.
She is the author of numerous books including Public History, Private Stories: Italian Women’s Autobiographies; Migration Italy: The Art of Talking back in a Destination Culture; and Mediterranean Crossroads: Migration Literature in Italy.
Her co-edited books include Italian Cultural Studies (with Ben Lawton) and Multicultural Literature in Contemporary Italy (with Marie Orton).
Graziella is working on a book titled Un-Becoming Fascists: The Use of Political Autobiographies in Nation Building, which is an analysis of the use of autobiography in everyday politics, starting from the obsession with autobiography in the Italian late 40s.