Bharti Gupta Ramola
Former Partner, PwC India
Bharti Gupta Ramola is an independent director on the boards of HDFC Life Insurance Company Ltd., SRF Limited, and Feedback Infrastructure Pvt Ltd. She serves on the governing body of Lady Shriram College, the board of Villgro Innovations Foundation, and the GP advisory board of Unitus Impact fund.
Ms. Ramola was a partner at PwC for 25 years. In the last 5 years of her career at PwC, she was on the firm’s management team in India while holding responsibility for the marketing and brand of the firm. She was a part of the founding teams of many advisory businesses including corporate finance, project finance, change management, infrastructure, government and utilities, and sustainability for PwC in India. She was the first woman and first non-Chartered Accountant to be admitted to a partnership among professional firms in India. She has worked extensively on financial sector policy and the first public-private partnerships in Indian infrastructure. She also led PwC’s work on climate change and carbon transactions.
She has been featured in multiple publications celebrating women, the latest being the book Thirty Women in Power, edited by Naina Lal Kidwai and published by Rupa.
She started her career in 1981 with ICICI and worked with the Nehru Foundation for development in their environmental education division for two years before joining PwC. Her work in financial sector policy inspired her to co-promote the Basix Group of social enterprises in 1996 to focus on rural livelihoods and microfinance. She has served on various Basix entity boards.
She holds a postgraduate diploma in management from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and a Bachelor’s Degree (Hons.) in Physics from St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi.