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Mr. K.V. Ramani

Founder and Chancellor

Letter from the Chancellor, Sai University


Welcome to Sai University (SaiU), an institution founded with the vision to be a globally eminent university.

The vision of Sai University was born from the passion, long-standing experience, and competence to build an educational institution of global eminence in India. Sai University is committed to ensuring collaborative interdisciplinary learning opportunities and high-impact educational experiences through cutting-edge undergraduate and postgraduate programs. 

Sai University is the first university to progressively adopt a liberal education model across arts, science, technology, law, management, and health sciences, on par with institutions of global eminence. Through unique and distinctive curricula that offer innovative, transformative, and research-grounded educational experiences, the students can enjoy the freedom of academic expression and freedom to inquire, learn, debate, innovate and positively impact the lives of people around them.

The aspiration to become a world-renowned institution is guided and supported by an esteemed board of governance and a team of internationally acclaimed faculty members from India and abroad. With innovative and flexible curricula and a state-of-the-art campus that gives the students an international learning experience, Sai University prepares them to envision the future they envision for themselves and strive hard to make it a reality.

Our Founding Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Jamshed Bharucha, and faculty have designed a unique curriculum and pedagogy to enable students to pursue their passionate subjects, leading to stellar careers, entrepreneurship, and other opportunities of their choice. They get the exposure and training in emerging technologies, services, and industries to become leaders in careers of their choice while fulfilling their life’s aspirations and dreams as future-ready individuals and global citizens in the modern world.

The students of Sai University have the opportunity to study multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary courses taught by accomplished faculty and industry experts. The students can design their program after making informed decisions about selecting their majors and minors in an active learning environment.

Sai University aims to become a world-class institution and provide a liberal education and international perspectives through some of the most vibrant programs that ensure a one-of-a-kind learning experience.

SaiU welcome you to be a part of this exciting journey of re-imagining higher education in India. 

K.V. Ramani

Founder and Chancellor
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