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Always look on the bright side of life

“Always look on the bright side of life”: The role of adaptive rumination on goal pursuit and cognitive task performance. Sankaran, Sindhuja Citation Sankaran, S., Szumowska, E., & Kossowska, M. (2024). “Always look on the bright side of life”: The role of...

When do they push the right buttons?

When do they push the right buttons? Need for closure and the role of perceived control in situations of uncertaintySindhuja SankaranSai University, Chennai, IndiaReceived 2 April 2023, Revised 20 May 2023, Accepted 15 June 2023, Available online 28 June 2023, Version...

Radioactive wastes in nuclear industry

Transport and disposal of radioactive wastes in nuclear industry T. Subba Rao , S. Panigrahi , P. Velraj   Abstract Radioactivity is a natural phenomenon and sources of radiation are typical features of some elements in the environment. Radiation and radioactive...

Water-Formed Deposits

Water-Formed Deposits Fundamentals and Mitigation Strategies 1st Edition – March 24, 2022 Editors: Zahid Amjad, Konstantinos D. Demadis Language: English Description Water-Formed Deposits: Fundamentals and Mitigation Strategies wholly presents the...
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