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Here is SaiU’s recent webinar recording on ‘New Education Policy in Higher-Education’ in association with The Hindu.

Dr. Kasturirangan, Esteemed Member of the Governing Board, SaiU, Mr. K.V. Ramani, Founder & Chancellor, SaiU, and Dr. Jamshed Bharucha, Founding Vice Chancellor, SaiU, spoke about NEP, how the policy was framed, its advantages and relevance in today’s higher education. Dr. Kasturiragan shares how this is a policy that comes after 30 years, which was very much needed in a fast paced world we live in today.

The NEP curriculum is crafted in a way that it covers, social economic issues in our country, help develop intellectual capacities, along with many other faculties such as aesthetics, creativity and technological end. Understanding how there is no one size fits all. There are a certain systems within the policy that are targeting the places which are remote and left behind to hand hold in helping education evolve to a global stage. They debated over NEP’s advantages and boons and banes along with understanding how we at Sai University’s founding year have already implemented the NEP.

The university would provide students an opportunity to pick up subjects of their interest in the true spirit of interdisciplinary education.

To learn more, watch the complete video here

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