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Dynamics and dimensions of legal education have undergone sea change, says Judge – The Hindu about SaiU Endowment Lecture

School Of Law, Sai University, organises the S. Krishnamurti Endowment Lecture; legal philosopher Upendra Baxi participates in the programme through video conferencing

Judge Sundar was the chief guest at the S. Krishnamurti Endowment Lecture in Law organised by School Of Law, Sai University, on “Law’s soft technology governing hard technologies?” delivered by legal philosopher Upendra Baxi via video conferencing in Chennai.

“The dynamics and dimensions of legal education have undergone a sea change – I belong to the first batch of five year law course – and we never got to listen to jurists like Upendra Baxi in our age. It is wonderful that the whole culture has changed for the better,” he said.

The dynamics and dimensions of legal education have undergone a sea change as he never got to listen to jurists of his time in 1983, said M. Sundar, Judge, Madras High Court, at an event in Chennai on Friday.

Judge Sundar was the chief guest at the S. Krishnamurti Endowment Lecture in Law organised by School Of Law, Sai University, on “Law’s soft technology governing hard technologies?” delivered by legal philosopher Upendra Baxi via video conferencing in Chennai.

Prof. Baxi, former Vice-Chancellor of Delhi University, explored the question whether law may be conceived as technology and if so what kind of technology it may be. He found the idea of law as an “enterprise” to subject human behaviour advocated by jurist Lon Fuller and the notion of “cultural lag” propounded by sociologist Charles Ogburn compellingly relevant today in understanding law as technology.

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