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Research Paper by Sindhuja Sankaran on Social-Cognitive Factors that Affect Prosociality and Collective Action towards Refugees

Dr. Sindhuja Sankaran, an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Sai University, has recently published a paper titled “Social-cognitive factors that influence prosociality and collective action towards refugees” in the Bristol University Press.

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This paper reveals the crucial role of community and moral values in shaping our attitudes towards refugees. It emphasizes the significance of seeing refugees as part of an inclusive community, bolstered by personal connections and community efforts. This approach transcends policy, highlighting the impact of moral commitments and cultural appreciation. The paper challenges the term “refugee crisis,” proposing “crisis for refugees” to humanize their plight. It introduces a model linking the perception of refugees as threats to moral mechanisms guiding prosocial behavior. It argues that perceiving refugees as individuals with warmth and shared values, rather than threats, can shift narratives and build trust, leading to more welcoming attitudes. The implications are profound for policymakers and the public: fostering community integration and empathy can help create a more inclusive society, supporting those forced to leave their homes. This research underscores the power of empathy and community in addressing global migration challenges.

Citation: Sankaran, S. (2023). Social-cognitive factors that influence prosociality and collective action towards refugees: a reply to ‘The challenges of encouraging refugee assistance: lessons learned from reframing the problem as one of within-group collective action and norm change’ by Faiza El-Higzi and Cristina Moya. Global Discourse13(3-4), 399-406. Retrieved Jan 30, 2024, from


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