Admission Enquiry
Shailender Swaminathan
Visiting Professor, Economics

Shailender’s broad research interests are in the formulation and application of credible research designs to examine questions of relevance to public policy. In recent work, he has worked on understanding the impact of health insurance expansions on utilization and health in both the United States and India.

Shailender returned to India with family after spending about two decades in the United States holding diverse academic and research positions at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, the University of Alabama, Birmingham, and Brown University.

Shailender has a PhD in Economics from University of Southern California and is an adjunct faculty member in Brown University’s Department of Health Policy and an Investigator at the Providence Veterans Administration (VA). His work has been published in several journals including the Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Health Economics, Health Affairs, and the Economic Development and Cultural Change. One of the previous papers received the Academy Health Article of the Year award in 2009. His work on the role of the Affordable Care Act has been cited as evidence in a recent US Supreme Court case on the pros versus cons of expanding health insurance coverage.

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