Water-Formed Deposits

Fundamentals and Mitigation Strategies

  • 1st Edition – March 24, 2022
  • Editors: Zahid Amjad, Konstantinos D. Demadis
  • Language: English
  • Description

  • Water-Formed Deposits: Fundamentals and Mitigation Strategies wholly presents the important issue of deposits in aqueous systems, both industrial and biological. By analyzing causes, mechanisms and mitigation strategies, the book helps researchers/engineers/end-users gain a fundamental understanding of the issues underlying deposit formation and mitigation. It covers numerous, fundamental aspects of water-formed deposits, while also giving an applications’ perspective. The book’s goal is to assist the reader in his/her understanding of the important issues of scale formation, while also helping with potential solutions.

Key features

  • Provides a fundamental understanding of deposit formation by presenting basic science and mechanisms
  • Presents an “applications” perspective
  • Reveals a systematic overview of deposit-related challenges and their mitigation
  • Correlates structure to performance in mitigation strategies
  • Analyzes current legal aspects and regulations
  • Includes case studies from the “real” industrial world for the industrial reader/end user


Chemists, Chemical Engineers, Water Technologists, Plant Managers Consultants, Graduate Students, Post-doctoral. Geologists, Technologists/Formulators involved in Consumer Products Development

Read More : https://shop.elsevier.com/books/water-formed-deposits/amjad/978-0-12-822896-8

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